Not only that I passed 30 for sure now, but there are other signs that make me go hmmm...
1. Losing hair...
Seems to be an unstoppable process that's been going on for quite a while now. I keep my hair very short so you don't see it that much. But I hate pictures of me from behind or from above... looks like I am bald, specially when taken with flash light! So please don't do that to me! :)
2. Grey/White hair...
I don't really mind that... It's not taking over and it makes me look mature and wise. (I hope!)
3. Driving slower!!
That's probably the scariest part yet! I used to race everywhere and kinda took it personal if somebody overtook me... now I drive (almost) normal... 130 on the highway / 60 (if possible) anywhere else...
4. Music
I remember tracks coming out in the years some of my friends were BORN! And also I tend to say:"The original is much better and it was performed by... in ...".
5. Movies
See 4...
6. Knowledge / "Wisdom"
Some of my friends refer to me as ****pedia (first part removed to protect the authors anonymity). But this is actually something I really enjoy! Too bad I can't put it to use in the last board game I was gifted (UK Edition of Trivial Pursuit... too much crap asked for that is too UK specific).
And then there are these moments when you watch news or something and go: "Hold on!!! Didn't this happen before?? Ohh yes!! That was in 19xx in ...!".
7. Stories
The older you get the more stories you can tell... and I fear that my friends have to listen to too many stories of my life! :P
Also a lot of the stories I hear from others I've heard already...
8. School friends
Isn't it amazing what some of your school or even Kindergarden friends are doing now?? Some of them are in senior positions, others made it big and probably retired already and A LOT will have children that are almost legal of age (or at least think they are already). I recently got in touch with a lot of them on something like a German 'Facebook" site... It's amazing what some my friends from back then are doing now or have done in the years between!
9. ...
There are plenty of other things that make my recognice how 'old' I am... some small... some big ...
However... you are always as old as you feel! So I am somewhere in my 20ies... :)
Are you getting old as well?
Places to Gergean this Weekend
Thursday, March 13 Gergean at Boulevard Mall Gergean at Alandalus Gergean
at Gate Mall Gergean at the Scientific Center The Gergean Walk Gergean at
2 days ago
Ya sater! All this! and not even 30! ok.. you're giving me hopes ;/
I am actually growing older next week! yeha! and I am afraid that I seem to be forgetful of things - more like unfocused.. so you can say, I am losing my brain !
I hate it when people start this subject, lol
actually, every stage in our lives has it's unique taste and flavor.
just try to stay healthy, quit smoking if are a smoker, do some exercise on a regular basis, watch your calcium, and on top of all, Enjoy your life.
they say you get wiser as you grow older... makes up for the hair loss!..
you need to start finalising on your to-do list of your yesteryears :-)
I'm nowhere close to being old, mentally that is. I mean I'm 25 and still feel in the early 20's!
chikapappi: I am over 30... but still not old... :) ... but getting there!
Alan: My current stage in life has an awesome taste and flavour! if I could just say that I don't smoke... Ohh! And good luck with your blog! :)
Rayboy: hehehe ... sure hope you are right! Pretty much done with my to-do list for the yesteryears ... but of stuff to do for the coming years!!!
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