I NEED to make some advertisment here !!!
Thanks to a buddy of mine i stumbled accross the page musicovery.com and I love it!
Basically it's a webradio that plays tracks that you might want to hear acording to the genere and mood you selected.
And not only this ... you fell like 70's today?! Ok ... then just have it play songs out of the 70's! It works all the way back to the 50's...
Feel like discovering new stuff?!?! Then have it play less popular songs for you ... OR ... go with your favorites only...
It works with pretty slow connections already for the Low-Fi but if you decide to register there for a few bucks a month, you can listen to those tracks in Hi-Fi which means you need a decent connection speed! (there is a free registration to save your favourites and 'don't play anymore' as well)

Thanks a Million man ! i am having a blast !
I see you are propagating it! :-D
It's the best thing since curry, man!
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