Who used to be a good friend of mine long time ago got fired AGAIN...
He was caught stealing used tires from his employer and there was another issue of using the company driver to take care of his personal bullshit... (Volvo / Kuwait)
Before he was fired, being the GM, for making promises he couldn't keep / bad mouthing the CEO in public, with suppliers and customers / abusive language against the owners daughter / trying to take the business away from the owner and jump to another employer to continue the same crap just for better money / basically for not performing at all... (Wiesmann and Nano Refinement / Kuwait)
Before that he was fired for not working together with the rest of the management / for making deals at the side with customers and suppliers / bad mouthing his company / for not keeping his work times / for failing to put in reports / for fooling customers / for not complying to standard company procedures... (Aston Martin / Kuwait)
Before that I think he was fired as well ... but I don't know the reason ... but I bet you it went along with all the other Jobs he had... (Mercedes Benz Trucks / Kuwait)
Before that he was fired for not performing / bad mouthing / racial comments / and a few other things ... (Oshkosh Trucks / Kuwait)
Before that he left Germany with a few thousand Euro debt that the German Government would still like to collect from him ...
It's unbelievable how little you learned within the few years that I know you...
2 years ago I would have done as much as I can to find you something. Now, being smarter and having my fingers burned on you, I hope no one makes the mistake of hiring you again. Kuwait is small ... very small in fact... and you caused enough damage for the little German community that we are here! You ruin our reputation with your non existing ethics... Besides that ... there are not too many Car Dealerships left in Kuwait who don't know you! I think you are trying with Bebehani right now?! Good luck ... because if I know whats going on with you ... they should know as well!
And I better not start with your private bullshit that you fabricated in less then 5 years!!!
I just hope that you treat N. the way you are supposed too and you are not playing games like you did before!
Sayonara *** !!
P.S.: Sorry to everyone except *** ... just had to vent out a little ...
Places to Gergean this Weekend
Thursday, March 13 Gergean at Boulevard Mall Gergean at Alandalus Gergean
at Gate Mall Gergean at the Scientific Center The Gergean Walk Gergean at
2 days ago
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