So here I am ... back in Kuwait.
I spent a great time back home and I saw all the people that I wanted to see. But I am telling you people ... 1.5 weeks is not enough! There was so much I wanted to do and I just ran out of time. But the most important thing was that I saw my family and my closest friends!
So now back in Kuwait...
I actually spent new years here! I went to a nice party! Really enjoyed it even though it might have looked like i didn't like it at all! I was sometimes just sitting there and smiling and watching whats going on... GREAT! Thanks again for the invitation and for the great hospitality!
So since the 3rd of January I started working for my new company. VERY CHALLENGING! Really enjoy it since I have great responsabilities and I can actually show what I am capable of.
So another 2.5 months and I have a one year contract ... :)
Wish me luck people!
Just wanted to let all of you know that I am still alive and kicking!
Happy Eid!!! back to work ... :P
Places to Gergean this Weekend
Thursday, March 13 Gergean at Boulevard Mall Gergean at Alandalus Gergean
at Gate Mall Gergean at the Scientific Center The Gergean Walk Gergean at
2 days ago
welcome back German boy!
Mmmmooowwwaa! Our time was too short! And... I know you're gonna get a chance to really shine in this new job. :D
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