So here I am ... back in Kuwait.
I spent a great time back home and I saw all the people that I wanted to see. But I am telling you people ... 1.5 weeks is not enough! There was so much I wanted to do and I just ran out of time. But the most important thing was that I saw my family and my closest friends!
So now back in Kuwait...
I actually spent new years here! I went to a nice party! Really enjoyed it even though it might have looked like i didn't like it at all! I was sometimes just sitting there and smiling and watching whats going on... GREAT! Thanks again for the invitation and for the great hospitality!
So since the 3rd of January I started working for my new company. VERY CHALLENGING! Really enjoy it since I have great responsabilities and I can actually show what I am capable of.
So another 2.5 months and I have a one year contract ... :)
Wish me luck people!
Just wanted to let all of you know that I am still alive and kicking!
Happy Eid!!! back to work ... :P
Losing Kuwaiti Nationality
This has been the big talk in Kuwait that no one in Kuwait is talking
about in public for fear of repercussions from the powers that be. Kuwait
has revoke...
8 hours ago
welcome back German boy!
Mmmmooowwwaa! Our time was too short! And... I know you're gonna get a chance to really shine in this new job. :D
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