Before I leave Kuwait, I need to say: THANK YOU !!! Muuuuah!!
Thank you everyone who was there yesterday for my surprise birthday party! (even if it was like 9 days early... :P)
Really didn't know anything and everyone kept quiet about it! So it was really a big surprise!!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Now I am in a big hurry ... I still havn't bought ANY presents for my family at home and I fly tonight! So... guess I just race down to Fahaheel and buy some Sandelwood, the funny looking thingy you burn it in and some other "arabic" stuff made in china... :P
Then I'll be on my way to Germany. I will leave Kuwait, my "old" Job and friends behind. But no worries ... at least not my friends! I'll be back! PROMISE! Since it looks really good with a new Job in Kuwait! So ... sorry guys from L..... C........ and O.T.C. ... you'll have to find someone else doing all that crap! :)
So on the 28th of this month I'll come back so I can celebrate the new year with all of you!!
Till then,
take care and keep posting so I know whats going on in Kuwait! :)
Losing Kuwaiti Nationality
This has been the big talk in Kuwait that no one in Kuwait is talking
about in public for fear of repercussions from the powers that be. Kuwait
has revoke...
9 hours ago
TONIGHT! YOU FLY TONIGHT! I hate these middle of the night flights... I'm always confused on when you actually leave. I know you are going to have a great time... but I'm gonna miss you! Be safe, have fun, hurry back. Mmmoowwwaa!
Wish you a safe trip and HAPPY BDAY man :)
Have TONS of fun.
Happy birthday and congrats with the new job!
Hey... just wanted to leave behind a hug! Mwah! :-*
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